Friday, December 11, 2015

Katamari Forever Review

Katamari Forever

Developer/Publisher: Namco Bandai Games
Release: September 22 2009 (NA)
Platform: PS3
Genre: Rolling game
Modes: Single Player, Offline VS mode, Offline Co-operative
Availability: Online stores (Amazon for $20)

- I have completed all levels in all modes with mostly
100 and 120 points for them.
-I have collected 97% of objects and almost
all the cousins and presents found in the levels.
-I don't have a second controller so I couldn't play multi-player
-I'm new to the series
-I got it for $20
-"Katamari Forever" is  primarily a best of collection of levels


          The story begins with the prince show the King of the Cosmos how high he can jump. Eager to show the prince what he can do, the king leaps into space, but a space object knocks him in the head and gives him amnesia. So the prince and his cousins decide to make Robo King to temporary replace the King of the cosmos, but Robo King goes out of control and destroys the cosmos. So it is up to the prince and his friends to fix the cosmos and cure the King's amnesia.

          It's a silly and charming story that you don't take seriously. The rest of the story is filler of what the queen does in the mean time, and the jumbo man team's antics. These story movies can be re-watched in the movie theater option. Quirky dialogue is what makes up the rest of the game and adds to the charm of the game. You have characters like the Robo King is a sympathetic character who's self depreciating dialogue is charming and silly. It's not grating or obnoxious so it can be appreciated by anyone. The writing adds plenty to the quality of the product that would not be the same without it.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Super Stardust HD Review

Super Stardust HD

Developer: Housemarque
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Genre: Twin-stick shooter
Release: 6/28/07 (PS3), 12/8/08 (PSP)
Platforms: PS3, PSP
Modes: Single-player, Co-operative Multi-player
Availability: PlayStation Network Store

-I'm not that great at arcade shooters.
-I only played on easy mode, which
was hard enough for me.
- Completed arcade mode, but still
have two planets to go on planetary conquest mode.
-I don't have a second controller so I couldn't play co-op.
-I didn't purchase the dlc for the game,
though they are variations of arcade mode.


          Super Stardust HD is visual treat with plenty of shiny and glowing effects that give it a visual vibrancy that most games don't have. The style of vibrant lighting helps with the alien sci-fi visual theme. Texture wise, they are simple and nothing to write home about, but the intense visual effects compensate for it.


          Super Stardust HD is a twin stick arcade shooter where you guide a small ship around a 3 dimensional sphere and destroy as many enemies and rocks as possible in each wave. Each wave has a certain amount of rocks and enemies that need to be destroyed before you can advance, but new ones will drop in on you as you play. Surviving 4 waves on a planet will trigger the boss fight that can only be hurt from his weak point. Once you beat a planet, you will unlock it in it's respective mode and will have to beat 4 more planets.

          As it is an arcade shooter, there are plenty of power-ups to utilize in your survival. There are extra lives, shields that let you take a free hit, points, and ammo powers. You have access to three weapons for the three types of rocks you encounter. It is possible to destroy rocks with other weapons, but they are not as effective as their color coded counterpart. The green rock cutter, the red gold cutter, and the blue ice cutter. The rock cutter shoots thin beams that go fast but has a moderate effective range. Gold cutter is like a flamethrower that has shorter range, but can lock onto multiple enemies without aiming. Ice beam shoots thicker projectiles that travel far, but are slower then the other two. Bombs are limited, but can destroy everything on screen. Enemies don't have any weapons they are weak to so you are free to use any beam that is strong enough and effective.

Friday, October 30, 2015

Armored Core: For Answer Review

Armored Core: For Answer

Developer: From Software
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release: 9/26/08 NA
Genre: Mech Combat
Platforms: Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Availability: Can be found used for decent prices
Modes: Single-player, Multi-player

  • This is my first Armored Core game
  • I reviewed the Xbox 360 version
  • I bought this game used at a cheap price
  • I like blowing stuff up
  • I completed 2 endings, 75% of normal S-ranks
    and 50% of Hard mode S-ranks.


          Armored Core: For Answer is the sequel to Armored Core 4. It takes place 10 years after the AC4, where you play as a new Lynx, who performs mission for the various corporations that fight among each other. Depending on which missions you chose the course of the story changes.

          My synopses of the story is brief due to most of it being spoilers and that it's not a big story. You could describe the entire story, with spoilers, in a single paragraph. The plot is confusing at first, until you get two of the endings and beat the Orca arena, where it all makes sense. It is an interesting story, but it fails being a compelling factor to playing the campaign. While there is more back-story to the Armored Core 4 universe, it too is sparse. Both the back-story and the main plot waste potential to become more then what they are. You don't get to know the characters or there motivations in what they do. They come and go like cannon fodder. You're not going to buy this game for it's story.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

About This Site

      I made this blog to post various game reviews I felt like writing. At first the were quick bullet point outlines, but I didn't feel satisfied, and I wondered if I could write a review well. Hence why reviews from Thief 2 and on-wards are fully written.

Generally speaking, I've never been satisfied with game reviews as they lack details or don't paint a picture in my head of what a game is. I'll read a review and latter see a video of the game which ends up being quite different then what I imagine it to be. Also, I always find myself think about how a game works while playing and how other regard it. I know it's not easy thing to convey and our feelings about a game will not be the same, but I feel like trying to at least convey as accurately as I can what a game is. I'm not perfect and I might miss details that I didn't think of writing or not do as good of a job as I would hope in convey what the game is.

      Always feel free to point out mistakes, inaccuracies, ways I could convey a detail better, etc. You can criticize me.

      I post game reviews once a month due to life, game length, difficulty witting a review, and trying to not have a review drought.

Fallout Shelter Review

Fallout Shelter

Developer: Besthesda Game Studio's
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Genre: Management Simulation
Release: IOS- 6/14/15, Android- 8/13/15
Modes: Single-player
Platforms: Android and IOS
Price: Free

-I like management simulations
-I'm harsh and picky.
-I'm not a professional journalist.
-I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
-Todd Howard did not bribe me with his body.
-I'm not big into mobile games.


       Technically, the 3D visuals are low resolution, blurry crap that you would see if you play a game at the lowest visual setting. It sticks out like a sore thumb despite not being needed. They are not detailed or use lots of colors so there is no need for them to be blurry. You will notice this when you zoom into a room. As for the 2D visuals, they are fine at any screen size due to there paper look. They are nothing to write home about, but are okay. Characters are based on a modified version pip boy character.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Netherworld: Beyond Time I Stand Review

Netherworld: Beyond Time I Stand

Alternate title: Agni: Queen of darkness / Inferno: Where Death Is Your Only Ally
Developer: Irrational Games (former)/ FX Labs
Release: 4/13/2009
Genre: Action-Adventure
Platform: Windows
Modes: Single Player
Availability: Unknown

-I play on the highest difficulty
-I'm harsh and picky.
-I'm not a professional journalist.
-I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
-No bribes were taken.
-No bribes were offered.
-Good luck finding this game
-DRM Free

           The Story is about a woman named Amanda who one day finds her daughter kidnapped/ murdered (never made clear) from her apartment. Distraught, she thinks about jumping off a bridge, but is stopped by a conductor of a train, who give her a choice. To go into hell and save her daughter. Scared, but determined, she sets out to find her daughter.

           The story is one of the better parts of the game, both for good and bad reasons that will be covered latter. The story it's self is isn't too complicated or really deep, but it is compelling. Rescuing your child from the depth's of hell is a plot that a (decent) parent can understand and relate to. Along the way, Amanda meets interesting characters who at first regard her as a wimpy human, but soon respect her skills. They change from a rag tag bunch of scoundrels into a team that shows some of the positives of humanity.

Netherworld: subway car puzzle solution

Friday, July 31, 2015

Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason- Old review

Cryostasis: The Sleep of Reason

Developer: Action Forms
Publisher: 505 Games (EU)/ 1C Company (NA)
Platform: Windows/ MAC
Release: May 6, 2009 (NA)
Genre: FPS, Psychological Horror
Availability: GOG, Steam, GamersGate

- I'm not a professional journalist
- I play games on the highest difficulty settings
- This is an old review that I wrote 3 years ago
- I'm good at fps games
-This game is DRM free

         Cryostasis is an amazing Russian survival horror/FPS that was lucky to be released in Europe and North America. Not often do game like this reach American shores or even into Europe. The game is very story focused in that you want to play this game more for the story than game play. That is not to say that the game play is bad, as it's great. The graphics are also an amazing that immerses you into the environment to make you feel like you are there. Read on to learn more about this amazing game.


          The story is about a meteorologist named Alexander Nesterov that is sent to the Arctic Circle to investigate a Russian ice breaker trapped in the ice. Things go terribly wrong when his sled falls into a pit of ice and must take shelter in the ship. As you investigate the ship you will find bodies that can change the fate of the people. During these segments you will learn more about what happened on the ship and how they all died.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Chameleon Full Review


Developer: SilverWish Games
Publisher: Take 2, Cenega Czech
Platform: Windows
Release: May 19, 2005 Czech republic
Genre: Stealth, Third-Person Shooter
Modes: Single-Player
Available: Rare. Not in any English stores.

-I love stealth games
-I play on the highest difficulty
-I try to be as quiet as possible, but I knock out all enemies I can.
-I'm harsh and picky.
-I'm not a professional journalist.
-Most of my reviews are usually the PC version. I am the PC master race.
-I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
-No bribes were taken.
-No bribes were offered.
-I'm a ghost who hides in the shadows.
-Played with English patch that was made for the Russian version.
-Game uses Starforce DRM


The plot is about a man who lost his parents to a sniper 15 years ago., in 1975. Not being able to get over it, he gets fired from the CIA and decides to set out on his own to find the killer. The story of Chameleon is very bare-bones that lousily connects each mission to the overall plot. Mission briefings are sparse that can be summed up as this person is a lead, go here. It's a shame as the story is really what this game has going for it and even the revelation is lackluster. It feels like the developers had no idea what to do for the plot so they just made everything up as they went along.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Thief 2: The Metal Age Full Review

Thief 2: The Metal Age

Developer: Looking Glass Studios
Publisher: Eidos Interactive
Genre: First Person/ Stealth
Release: March 23, 2000
Available: Steam, GamersGate, and GOG
Price: $7-10
Platforms: Windows
Mode: Single-Player

-I love stealth games
-I play on the highest difficulty
-I try to be as quiet as possible, but I knock out all enemies I can.
-I'm harsh and picky.
-I'm not a professional journalist.
-Most of my reviews are usually the PC version. I am the PC master race.
-I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
-No bribes were taken.
-No bribes were offered.
-I'm a ghost who hides in the shadows.
-DRM free

         *Thief 2 is hard to review then when it was originally released. Playing Thief 2 out of the box requires you to instal the fan made 1.9 – 1.21 Tafferpatch. This leads to to issue of what was changed from what Looking Glass Studios had intended. Unfortunately, there isn't any full documentation of the 1.9 patch. The patch also contains optional visual enhancements and a community fix patch which changes more things. Then you have the issue of did you install the patch that has the New Dark Engine or the Old Dark engine.

          This makes it hard to guaranty that my review will be the same as to how you experience the game and how the game originally was. Now it is possible to run Thief 2 with the 1.8 patch, but it requires a lot of work to get it to run on modern operating systems like Windows 7. Mostly this is the technical and visual qualities of the game. The basic core thief experience will still be the same no matter what patch or enhancements you are using.

This review will be based on the New Dark Engine with Tafferpatch 1.21.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Men of War: Red Tide

Men of War: Red Tide
Developer: Best Way/ Digitalmindsoft
Publisher: 1C Company
Genre: Real Time Strategy
Release: November 1, 2009
Available: Steam, GamersGate, Desura, and GOG
Price: $5
Platforms: Windows
Mode: Single-Player

  • I suck at RTS games
  • I played on Easy which is still hard.
  • I barely have any experience with the RTS genre.
  • I'm harsh and picky.
  • I'm not a professional journalist.
  • Most of my reviews are usually the PC version. I am the PC master race.
  • I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
  • No bribes were taken.
  • No bribes were offered.
  • I got this as part of 1C complete collection back in 2011 for $25 on gamersgate.
  • This is the third Game of the Men of War series.

Men of War

Men of War

Developer: Best Way/ Digitalmindsoft
Publisher: 1C Company
Genre: Real Time Strategy
Release: March 10, 2009
Available: Steam, GamersGate, Desura, and GOG
Price: $5
Platforms: Windows
Mode: Single-Player, Multi-player

  • I suck at RTS games
  • I played on Easy which is still hard.
  • I barely have any experience with the RTS genre.
  • I'm harsh and picky.
  • I'm not a professional journalist.
  • Most of my reviews are usually the PC version. I am the PC master race.
  • I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
  • No bribes were taken.
  • No bribes were offered.
  • I got this as part of 1C complete collection back in 2011 for $25 on gamersgate.
  • This is the third Game of the Men of War series.

Gurumin: A Monsterous Adventure

Gurumin: A Monsterous Adventure

Developer/Publisher: Mastiff/Falcom
Genre: Action/ Adventure
Release: March 31,2015 (Latest port)
Available: Steam, GamersGate, Desura, and GOG
Price: $10
Platforms: Windows, and PSP
Mode: Single-Player

  • Got it for free for green lighting it.
  • I play games on hard mode
  • Played many platformers and action/adventure games
  • I'm harsh and picky.
  • I'm not a professional journalist.
  • Most of my reviews are usually the PC version. I am the PC master race.
  • I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
  • No bribes were taken.
  • No bribes were offered.
  • This game was originally released on PC in 2004 then on PSP in 2007.


Developers: Human Head Studios/ 3D Relms
Publisher: 2K Games
Distributer: Take-Two Interactive
Engine: id tech 4
Genre: FPS
Platforms: Linux, Mac, Windows, Xbox360, Sybian, Zeebo
Release: July 11 2006
Mode: Single-player, Multi-player
Stores: Physical Copies

  • Picked it up at a store at a discount price.
  • I play games on hard mode
  • Played many fps games
  • I'm harsh and picky.
  • I'm not a professional journalist.
  • Most of my reviews are usually the PC version. I am the PC master race.
  • I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
  • No bribes were taken.
  • No bribes were offered.
  • No anal probing was experienced.
  • I was not kidnapped by aliens.

Alpha Protocol

Alpha protocol
Developer: Obsidain Entertainment
Publisher: Sega
Engine: Unreal Engine 3
Platforms: Windows, OnLive, PS3, Xbox 360
Genre: Stealth/ RPG
Release: June 1 2010
Mode: Single-player
Stores: Steam, GamersGate, and physical copies

  • Picked it up at a store at a discount price.
  • I play games on hard mode
  • Played many stealth games and rpg's.
  • I'm harsh and picky.
  • I'm not a professional journalist.
  • This was casually written in 20 minutes.
  • I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
  • No bribes were taken.
  • No bribes were offered.
  • No orphans were created from this video game.

Medal of Honor: Airborne

Medal of Honor: Airborne Quick Review
Developer: EA LA
Publisher: EA Games
Engine: Unreal Engine 3
Genre: FPS
Platforms: Windows, Xbox 360, PS3
Release: September 4 2007
Modes: Single-player, Multi-player
Stores: Steam, GamersGate, and physical copy

  • Got it as part of MOH: 10th Anniversary Collection for my birthday.
  • I play games on hard mode
  • Played many FPS games.
  • I'm harsh and picky.
  • I'm not a professional journalist.
  • This was casually written in 20 minutes.
  • I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
  • No bribes were taken
  • No bribes were offered