About this Blog

      I made this blog to post various game reviews I felt like writing. At first the were quick bullet point outlines, but I didn't feel satisfied, and I wondered if I could write a review well. Hence why reviews from Thief 2 and onwards are fully written.

  Generally speaking, I've never been satisfied with game reviews as they lack details or don't paint a picture in my head of what a game is. I'll read a review and latter see a video of the game which ends up being quite different then what I imagine it to be. Also, I always find myself think about how a game works while playing and how other regard it. I know it's not easy thing to convey and our feelings about a game will not be the same, but I feel like trying to at least convey as accurately as I can what a game is. I'm not perfect and I might miss details that I didn't think of writing or not do as good of a job as I would hope in convey what the game is.

      Always feel free to point out mistakes, inaccuracies, ways I could convey a detail better, etc. You can criticize me.

      I post game reviews once a month due to life, game length, difficulty witting a review, and trying to not have a review drought.

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