Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Men of War: Red Tide

Men of War: Red Tide
Developer: Best Way/ Digitalmindsoft
Publisher: 1C Company
Genre: Real Time Strategy
Release: November 1, 2009
Available: Steam, GamersGate, Desura, and GOG
Price: $5
Platforms: Windows
Mode: Single-Player

  • I suck at RTS games
  • I played on Easy which is still hard.
  • I barely have any experience with the RTS genre.
  • I'm harsh and picky.
  • I'm not a professional journalist.
  • Most of my reviews are usually the PC version. I am the PC master race.
  • I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
  • No bribes were taken.
  • No bribes were offered.
  • I got this as part of 1C complete collection back in 2011 for $25 on gamersgate.
  • This is the third Game of the Men of War series.

  • Windows 7 Home premium 64-bit
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600@ 2.40GHz. Kentsfield 65mn technology
  • Ram: 4gb Dual channel DDR2@400MHz (6-6-6-18)
  • GPU: 1023MB MSI GeForce GTS 450
  • Monitor: 1440x900@60Hz
  • Audio: Creative X-fi Audio Processor

This quick review will focus on the changes from the original.

  • Mostly offensive missions with only 3 defensive missions and a few stealth missions.
    • Take advantage of of the micromanaging and direct assualts your own way.
    • Play the missions at your own pace.
    • Tactics much more important.
    • Stealth missions are made better and tend to be optional.
    • Much harder then the original.
  • Maps are bigger.
    • More ways to approach situations
    • Bigger battles
    • Combat happening all over the map
    • less area's blocked off at first.
    • Take longer to complete.
    • More maps sprawling with buildings and structure.

  • Flaws:
    • little to no re-spawns for units, on most missions.
    • Big battles and maps will lower your frame rate compared to the original.
    • 3- 4 battles will cripple your frame rate to the single digits even if you meet the recommended settings.
    • Lack of re spawns make AI flaws more of an issue then the original.
    • Lack of re-spawns make missions much harder when combined with AI problems.
    • Coordinating units tends to be needed, but there is no effective way of doing it. Needs to be able to pause combat and issue way points and tasks.
    • First three campaigns were good while the last three feel sparse
      • tend to end too quick
      • Don't get a strong connection to them unlike the first three campaigns.
      • First three campaigns build off of each other while the other half don't.

  • Focuses on the Black Sea fleet in the Crimea region during 1941-1944
    • play as the Black Sea Marines, Russian paratroopers, and the sabotage squads.
    • Nice to play as groups not commonly seen or heard of in media.

  • Campaigns flow well and don't feel like random conflicts unlike the original's German and American campaigns.
    • This is helped by the narrator explaining the significance of the missions you are playing and how they affected the overall operations.
    • Get a good understanding of how the Black sea was reclaimed.
    • Feel like your accomplishing something.
  • Missions tend to involve famous people that participated in the operations.
  • Comes with an encyclopedia that provides further info about the operations, the people who participated, and the results.

  • Last three campaigns feel rather separate compared to the first three.
    • Get the feeling off, “that's it?”
  • No mission briefings and what what to expect. Just get thrown in.

  • No music. Nt sure if this is a bug or on purpose.
  • Voice acting is average, but way better then the original.
    • Not enough feeling in the voices.
  • Narrator's voice is great and wonderful to listen to. Feels like your being told a story from grandpa.

  • Good expansion pack. Better missions, story, campaigns, etc.
  • Best to have a play-list of some music, that fits the game, be playing.
  • Lack of re-spawns back make AI flaws more noticeable.

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