Friday, October 30, 2015

Armored Core: For Answer Review

Armored Core: For Answer

Developer: From Software
Publisher: Ubisoft
Release: 9/26/08 NA
Genre: Mech Combat
Platforms: Playstation 3, Xbox 360
Availability: Can be found used for decent prices
Modes: Single-player, Multi-player

  • This is my first Armored Core game
  • I reviewed the Xbox 360 version
  • I bought this game used at a cheap price
  • I like blowing stuff up
  • I completed 2 endings, 75% of normal S-ranks
    and 50% of Hard mode S-ranks.


          Armored Core: For Answer is the sequel to Armored Core 4. It takes place 10 years after the AC4, where you play as a new Lynx, who performs mission for the various corporations that fight among each other. Depending on which missions you chose the course of the story changes.

          My synopses of the story is brief due to most of it being spoilers and that it's not a big story. You could describe the entire story, with spoilers, in a single paragraph. The plot is confusing at first, until you get two of the endings and beat the Orca arena, where it all makes sense. It is an interesting story, but it fails being a compelling factor to playing the campaign. While there is more back-story to the Armored Core 4 universe, it too is sparse. Both the back-story and the main plot waste potential to become more then what they are. You don't get to know the characters or there motivations in what they do. They come and go like cannon fodder. You're not going to buy this game for it's story.


          The game is played in a third person view where you control your mech. You have weapons on hands, weapons on your shoulders and a weapon on your back. Hand-held and shoulder weapons are switched with a button and you fire your back weapon with a separate button. The goal is to fire at and dodge an enemy's attacks until it's dead. You get close to any enemy to lock on or you can use manual aim with the right stick.

          The default controls setting is “Simple”; which combines the acceleration with the booster, fly being it's own button, and lacks the ability to strafe. You will want to switch to Regulations A or B that separates the acceleration from the booster and combines the booster with the fly button. Also, you gain the ability to strafe, which is highly beneficial in dodging attacks, and turning when over boosting. To fly, you have to double tap the boost button. The controls, at first, may seam intimidating, but as you get use to them, they become natural.

          The choices of missions is split in a tree layout. For each chapter you have around 6 missions to chose, from about three branches. These mission vary in tasks from escort, protection, and destroying enemies. The game has a ranking system for your performance in each mission and your rank will depend on how much damage you take, ammo spent, and time spent. By gaining S-ranks, you will get additional rewards at the end of each mission and chapter. If you don't go for S-ranks, most of these missions are easy to beat, with only some of them being difficult. Going for S-ranks raises the difficulty sightly, but playing the missions in hard mode, and going for S-ranks will provide a real challenge. Hard mode increases the amount of enemies you encounter and alters or adds new events to the missions.

          Mech creation is a big part of this game. When you first play, you have a choice of 4 pre-made mech's to chose that carter to different styles of play. Regardless of what you chose, you will be able to gain access to all of the parts eventually and it doesn't affect the story line or the missions you get. You will be able to customize them in any way you like as you play through the missions and the arena. From making them speed demons to building a flying tank, that massacres your opponents with heavy weapons, you can build it all. Each mech over 30 types of stats you need to factor when building your own. However, you can't build perfect mech so you have to decide the trade offs carefully. While all these stats are overwhelming at first, the main stats you will need to primarily focus on is; armor, damage, ammo, energy capacity, speed, boost, resistances, and turning. All the other do play a part, but you don't need to worried about as much, when your a beginner.

          I can't talk about multiplayer due to not owning Xbox Live gold. However, Multiplayer is practically dead so unless you know someone, you won't be buying this for multiplayer.

  • Frame-rate will drop into the single when using two swords at the same. For the rest of the time the frame-rate remains noticeable stable.
  • Couldn't download the 1.4 regulation settings from Xbox Live. Not sure why.


          Technically speaking, it's not noteworthy or impressive, but it's not awful ether. On a technical level, it's a 7th generation HD game. Levels are rather empty, with mostly dull buildings and structures. Textures are relatively low res except for the mechs, though you don't notice this in the middle of battle. The mech visuals stand out more, thanks to the lighting that brings out there details. Aesthetically, it works to show how ruined the world is.


          The music is mostly a rock and roll soundtrack with a few orchestrated songs. The music is good and puts you in the mood to wreck some enemy mechs. Voice acting is good with dialogue being the flaw of their performances. Sometimes, lines will sound awkward due to some of the writing. For example; “This might be a good deal, maybe you should take it”. The line is being delivered by someone from the company representative yet it sounds like a third party is giving you this briefing. It's hard to find info on the actors in this game with many unaccredited. The only one I know of is Laura Bailey, due to her voice sounding like Kaine from Nier.


          For my first Armored core game, I enjoyed. It got me interested in the other AC games in the series. While multi-player maybe mostly empty, the single-player will keep you entertained. It has plenty of fun and fast paced action, that is challenging when you go for S-ranks. With so much customization options available, you can make your mech to whatever your play-style is. Overall, I would recommend it to anyone that is interested in the mech combat genre.

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