Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Medal of Honor: Airborne

Medal of Honor: Airborne Quick Review
Developer: EA LA
Publisher: EA Games
Engine: Unreal Engine 3
Genre: FPS
Platforms: Windows, Xbox 360, PS3
Release: September 4 2007
Modes: Single-player, Multi-player
Stores: Steam, GamersGate, and physical copy

  • Got it as part of MOH: 10th Anniversary Collection for my birthday.
  • I play games on hard mode
  • Played many FPS games.
  • I'm harsh and picky.
  • I'm not a professional journalist.
  • This was casually written in 20 minutes.
  • I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
  • No bribes were taken
  • No bribes were offered

  • Windows 7 Home premium 64-bit
  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600@ 2.40GHz. Kentsfield 65mn technology
  • Ram: 4gb Dual channel DDR2@400MHz (6-6-6-18)
  • GPU: 1023MB MSI GeForce GTS 450
  • Monitor: 1440x900@60Hz
  • Audio: Creative X-fi Audio Processor


  • Weapons:
    • Sucky accuracy, Can rarely hit where you want despite having a perfect aim on target.
    • Do pitiful damage even when fully upgraded.
    • Enemies become bullet sponges by the end of the game.
    • Also they sound horribly muted in tone and impact.
    • Leveling up weapons feels arcady and out of place for a semi realistic ww2 fps.
    • Leveling ruins any weapon balance. By end of game, you will need to use stg44, and panzershrek to beat the final level.
    • Shotgun has no range. Never worth using at any point.
    • Grenade explosion radius is quiet small making it hard to kill enemies.
  • AI:
    • Friendly are worthless. Charge recklessly into enemies and even ignore those around them. With time and many re-spawns, they can clear out enemies.
    • Enemy is just as stupid. Randomly decide to suicide charge you or run like an idiot. Have a tendency to psychically try to dodge your aim in iron sight mode. Get distracted easily.
  • Levels:
    • Typical fps game
    • Non-linear but feel like small arena’s.
    • Never without allies except for final part of final level.
    • Skill drops are often impractical and put you in horrible positions. Distracts from the ability to potentially land anywhere. Can only land in one per play-through. No bonus for getting them all.
    • Enemies spawn at certain triggers so you can have enemies spawn right behind you despite it being clear.
    • Later levels have monster closets full of enemies with what seams to be 20 of them at a time.
    • Plenty of backtracking. Can feel tiresome at times.
    • Despite having checkpoints, enemies can re-spawn in previous places.
    • Skill drops are sometimes tricky to have triggered. Third level skill drop of landing into the house never seamed to trigger.
    • Plenty of invisible walls that makes shooting a pain.
    • Final level. Plenty of enemies that wield panzershreks and mg42, that take 20 rounds of stg44 and two rounds of panzershrek to the face.
    • Sometimes game won't register you getting medals despite meeting the requirements.
    • The parachute anywhere mechanic is an interesting idea. Needs to be used with better elvel designs.

  • Depth of filed and motion blur made me feel slightly dizzy when ruining or turning. Can be turning off in documents folder.
  • Decent visually. Looks better in darker levels then brighter levels. Brighter levels look more drab and dull.
  • Characters are noting to look at.
  • Physics are wonky. Shot to the head can send a German flying up into the air or many feet behind you.
  • PhysX seamed pointless and wasteful never noticed it other then with the rag-doll deaths.
  • Not too much customize-ability.
  • Can change advanced graphical setting in the config files.
  • Randomly plays various soundtracks from past MOH games. Doesn't have the same impact that previous games had.
  • Weapon audio sounds weak and fake. Compared to the audio from previous games it sounds very amateur.

  • decently entertaining at first, but dull by the end.
  • Don't want to play it again.
  • Might be worth 5 dollars.
  • Cut-scenes can be hilariously bad. " I got shot in the butt, but I'll still jump". "My buddy is shot by a tank so I will turn around and save him! (dies on top of wounded guy.) Get off me! (Head is run over by tank)

  • Requires legacy physX drivers or uninstalling all physX drivers in order to let game install it's own.
  • Multi-player is dead.
  • Can adjust hidden graphical features in config files.

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