Earth Defense Force
D3 Publisher
Xbox 360, PS3
February 18, 2013
Third Person Shooter, Arcade
Single-player, Local Co-Op, Online Co-Op
Xbox Market Place, PlayStation Store, Online Stores
This review is for the Xbox 360 version
I got this game for $15 on Amazon
I don't have Xbox Gold so I didn't try multi-player
Laser Chainsaws are cool
- Images are from the official press release that was taken from IGN.
“Earth Defense Force” series started as game under the Japanese
discount brand know as “Simple 2000” series for the PlayStation
2. These were budget priced game that were made by small developer
teams. The first game was titled, “Monster Attack”, which got a
European release. “Global Defense Force” was the sequel and also
got a European release. While they were sequels, they had nothing to
do with each other story-wise. None of the games got a North American
release as the Publisher feared that Americans would not like that
kind of game. “Global Defense Force” would get a Japanese sequel
know as “Global Defense Force Tactics”.
series would finally reach American shores with the Xbox 360 release
of “Earth Defense Force 2017” in 2007. It was a remake of
“Monster Attack” with better graphics, new levels, and more
features. A spinoff, by an American developer, would produce “Earth
Defense Force Insect Armageddon”. Finally, the real sequel would
arrive three years latter known as “Earth Defense Force
2025”. A year latter a port/expansion would be released
exclusively for the PS4 known as “Earth Defense force 4.1: The
Shadows of New Despair”.
Defense Force 4.1” has 4 new single-player mission and 90 new
multi-player missions. New enemies, DLC mutations, and new mutations
are added into the missions. There is various game-play improvements
like being able to recover when knocked down and weapons now have a
laser sight for aiming. If you have a PS4 then it would be worth
buying EDF 4.1 instead.
story of “Earth Defense Force” is a B-movie sci-fi horror style
that is written in a serious tone. It's not a deep plot, but carries
the player through the story. The narrative is delivered through the
discussions on the communicator and through some NPC's in the field.
A majority of the missions deliver new updates to the plot.

Defense Force 2025” is a third-person shooter. The camera
perspective is centered slightly higher then your character which is
like old third person games before “Resident Evil 4”. There are
two control schemes; technical which is typical third person controls
and normal which spreads out the actions to individual buttons and
forces you to auto aim. Technical uses the least amount of buttons
with most of them being the shoulder buttons. Normal doesn't allow
you to look around with the right analogue stick which feels more
like you are playing an old PS1 game. In each control scheme you can
change the control buttons however you want. Vehicles use the same
movement controls when backing up so it can be slightly awkward to
get use to. All vehicles have a stiff movement and look controls that
can't be adjust. They also don't get an aiming reticule so it can be
hard to tell where you are hitting at long distances.

is varies quiet a bit in many different factors. There are five
levels of difficulty that make, however you don't actually want to
jump to the hardest difficulty right away. When you chose a harder
difficulty, enemies become a lot tougher to the point were your
starting weapons can take forever to kill them and can kill you in
one hit. The difficulty in fighting enemies relies on heavily on the
stats of the weapons you pick up and the amount of armor your class
has. Missions themselves, vary quiet a bit in challenge. Some
missions can be really hard while other can be beaten in less then 5
minutes. The third factor depends on if you're playing with friends
or not. Some missions benefit from having friends to help you out.
The last factor depends on your class. Some missions are easier with
a certain class' weapons compared to another.
lot of the maps are reused for many missions though most of the time,
the action often takes place in a small portions of the map at
different spots. Some missions will use more of the map then others.
You can go to other area's of the map though it will be empty. When
there is so much action going on, it can hard to tell that you've
been playing in the same map, though you will eventually notice. All
of the maps feature destructible buildings and objects for your
advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is is with nothing in the
way, you can easily kill everything in sight, but you will lose cover
and the ability to create choke points to take down enemies. As you
play the game, new enemies are introduced that introduce new
challenges to deal with. You will quickly face them along with many
of the other enemies that you have faced before.

are 788 weapons and vehicles in total to chose from that is spread
out for each class. No class uses the same weapons and some have
exclusive weapon types that no one else has. From assault rifles, to
laser chainsaws, to mechs, you have a variety to chose from. Each
weapon has a level category that distinguishes it's tier compared to
others in that category. While there are tiers, each weapon has
different attributes that make even low tier weapons useful depending
on the mission and difficulty. To unlock higher tier weapons, you
will need to play on the harder difficulties to unlock them for you
class. On higher difficulties though, you will be more picky in
selecting a weapon do to how stronger the enemies are while on easier
levels you are free to experiment without worry.
frame-rate holds up well, when there are about 20 to 30 on screen.
However, when explosions, gore, body parts, and building derbies are
flying everywhere, along with hundreds of enemies on screen, the
frame-rate will drop into the single digits. In the latter stages,
facing hundreds of enemies is not a rare sight. Sometimes the game
will freeze for a second as a new event is triggered while playing.

AI is simple as they will ether follow you and attack enemies or stay
in their area and fight what they see. This behavior also applies to
the enemies except they don't always focus just on you. Since the AI
is simple, it tends to get lost or get stuck on buildings and tall
terrain if you get far enough away from them. It doesn't happen too
often and they tend to get themselves unstuck after awhile and catch
up with you.
Defense Force 2025” sound track is mostly a rock and roll
soundtrack with a few orchestral songs. Many of the songs are the
same with some minor variation and adjustments to the song. For
example, the Earth Defense Force theme played with darker tones, but
another version will play it as an upbeat victory theme. The songs
that are original are mostly from the starting screens before you
chose a mission. Unfortunately they do get repetitive to hear them so
many times. By default I found the audio settings for the game tend
to obscure the music for the game so you may need to turn down the
other sound settings and raise the music volume. This might an issue
my tv, so check to make sure your audio system is working properly.
this plot being B-movie sci-fi horror, the voice acting is good.
Voice actors do a good job in conveying the horror and dread the
characters are feeling. Each of the characters sound distinctive and
easy to distinguish from one and another.

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