Thursday, March 17, 2016

PC Game Pad Info

                                                      PC Game Pad Info

    When it comes to playing games on the PC, sometimes a controller is better to use then a keyboard and mouse. 2D games, fighting games, and driving games are more comfortable with a controller. Some games are programmed badly and a controller naturally works better then the keyboard and mouse. Other times, you may want to play on the couch and find a controller more comfortable. Whatever the reason is, picking a good controller and getting it to work is important. Games these days are programmed to recognize a Xbox 360 controller and you may not have one to use for your pc. These suggestions might help.

Xbox One Controller:

    When it comes to PC game-pads, the Xbox One controller is probably the overall best one to use for the PC. The direction pad is improved over the Xbox 360 controller and it has all the functions needed for direct input and Xinput games. Unlike other controllers, it doesn’t has significant issues like analog sticks having big dead zones, triggers not analog, or buttons not being responsive. It can also use any USB to Micro USB cable. Some games that use Xinput might not work correctly due to the drivers being different then the Xbox 360 controller drivers. This can be fixed though by following these instructions at this website.

    Driver Fixes:


Using Other Controllers:

    Scarlet Crush Drivers:

    Scarlet Crush Productions makes controller drivers to be used with the Duel Shock 3 and Duel Shock 4 controllers.  It convinces the software that you are using a 360 game-pad despite not having one. The download comes with testing software to make sure your control is registering all command correctly. It is what I use to play PC games with a control pad. Once you restart you computer when you finish installing the drivers, all you need to do is to plug it in then start the game. From my experience, it works well and replicates all the functions of a 360 controller. It's simple to instal and use.


    For other controllers you should download and use X360ce which allows Direct Input controller to to act as Xinput controller. In simpler terms, It convinces a game that you are using a 360 pad and will treat the controller you have as such. You will have to do adjustments by using the app that comes with the download..


    The drivers that convince games that you are using a 360 controller are not perfect. There maybe games that they don't work on or fail to recognize the controller. Everyone has has their computer set up differently and not all games are made the same way. Even the operating system like windows 10, may make changes that cause problems. Unfortunately nothing is 100% guaranteed, but hopefully these will help you or give you a starting point where you will be able to use your controllers on the PC.

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