Thursday, February 11, 2016

Translation Issues

                                                      Translation Issues

          In these past years, there have been lots of discussions about the quality of translation in games. Games like Xenoblade Chronicles, Fatal Frame 5, and Fire Emblem Fates have been in the fore front of the issues. With dialogue changed and things removed, it as stirred lots of displeasure among fans. Translations when it comes to game media is a mess. You got people who translate 1:1 and people who translate well. Then you got people who translate poorly or so different that it becomes a different product. Video games and Anime are the only mediums were translations can vary so much. It makes no sense.

          There are people who say 1:1 translations are not good because they are dry. What defines “dry”? Is a written work dry because it doesn’t have swear laid about or any talk of memes? That's called changing the work. Regardless of what anyone says, by making something less “dry” you are altering the tone and potential meaning of the text. Who are you to say what needs to be changed or not? Doing that isn't respecting the source material, but making your own derivative product.

          People will say things like; “Not everyone is going to understand what is going on so it needs to be changed”. That is just treating your audience as idiots. If you can't understand words or cultural aspects, then you need to get an education. The world doesn't revolve around America and your little world. There are many cultures and customs all around you that are different. Old Books such as the “Iliadand Shakespeare’s work are full of different cultures and customs based on their times, but they are translated 1:1 with translation notes. Translation Notes are there to help the reader understand the work better. Surprisingly, if you say that, people will respond with; “It doesn't look good” or “People don't want to read”. At that point, if people are not willing to do that then they are not your audience.

          This kind of think that people won't understand things or that it's to “dry” have lead games being censored, removed, butchered, or out right changed completely. Games like the Ace Attorney series and Elite Beat Agents are completely different from their Japanese counterparts. These games are changed to be American centric with all trance of Japanese culture removed like it's a plague. That isn't respecting the source material at all.

          People will respond to this by saying; “Well Japanese cultures or jokes are to hard for audiences to understand so they need their own cultural replacement”. I personally, often don't understand 80% of jokes and memes that are out there. Regardless, I don't ask old people to change their jokes for something I could understand or the internet to change their memes. I ask and work to understand the jokes and memes so I can understand them better when I encounter them again. I find them more funny once I understand the jokes or memes. So if I can do it, then anyone can.

          However, there is the evil argument of; “What about the children”? If you treat your kids as fragile things that are stupid then they will act like that. Kids can learn and grow stronger if you give them a chance. They are not stupid as you may think. It's not up to you to decide what kids can handle , but the parents themselves. We have a rating system so this worry is a pointless excuse to get rid of things you don't want to see. If you can't handle something or don't like something then don't play, watch, listen, or read it. Don't ruin it for others. If you do, then you are an awful, selfish, condescending, disrespectful person.

          Translations should be 1:1 or very close. If you have to re-arange something in a sentence so it doesn't read like Google translate then that's fine. But that is it. Your job is to translate, not alter the material. People today, have the internet and are well aware of what changes are made. If you are changing things then you are disrespecting the author, their work, and the audience that wants the work. If you can't handle it then get out of the translation business as nobody wants you.

1 comment:

  1. At times things do need to be altered, but damn they go way to far. For example, a Pun won't translate to another language most times, same with certain phrases. Of course in the instance of the latter you would only have to simply pick a saying that holds the same or at least very similar meaning in the other language. I am not really sure what the equivilent of 'What's up?' would be, but I doubt a direct translation of that into Japanese would make a whole lot of sense. But likely there are going to be similar ways to convey the exact message.

    Puns are a bit harder to do I'd imagine. I'm not sure if you are familiar with Bennet the Sage at all, but he spoke of one anime where a girl just goes to throw a matress at someone she is challanging to a fight. Dialogue had to be added into the anime to explain that the Kanji for 'Matress' is almost Identical to the Kanji for 'Gauntlent'. The Joke only works if are already familiar with Japanese Kanji, or if it is explained to you. And jokes are never that good when they need to be explained. What exactly is one to do in this situation?

    That said, things changed for reasons like 'It's offensive' or 'think of the kids' are absolutely ridiculous. There are some things that need to be changed for the sake of cohesion, but the amount of liberties taken (Especially with Fire Emblem) is beyond reasonable.
