Friday, August 28, 2015

Netherworld: Beyond Time I Stand Review

Netherworld: Beyond Time I Stand

Alternate title: Agni: Queen of darkness / Inferno: Where Death Is Your Only Ally
Developer: Irrational Games (former)/ FX Labs
Release: 4/13/2009
Genre: Action-Adventure
Platform: Windows
Modes: Single Player
Availability: Unknown

-I play on the highest difficulty
-I'm harsh and picky.
-I'm not a professional journalist.
-I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
-No bribes were taken.
-No bribes were offered.
-Good luck finding this game
-DRM Free

           The Story is about a woman named Amanda who one day finds her daughter kidnapped/ murdered (never made clear) from her apartment. Distraught, she thinks about jumping off a bridge, but is stopped by a conductor of a train, who give her a choice. To go into hell and save her daughter. Scared, but determined, she sets out to find her daughter.

           The story is one of the better parts of the game, both for good and bad reasons that will be covered latter. The story it's self is isn't too complicated or really deep, but it is compelling. Rescuing your child from the depth's of hell is a plot that a (decent) parent can understand and relate to. Along the way, Amanda meets interesting characters who at first regard her as a wimpy human, but soon respect her skills. They change from a rag tag bunch of scoundrels into a team that shows some of the positives of humanity.

Netherworld: subway car puzzle solution