Saturday, January 30, 2016

Reviews on Other Sites

 Note: This a short opinion piece about my thoughts on reviews.

            I was browsing various games sites to read their reviews and I noticed that mostly big name games get 2-3 page reviews. If it wasn't a big name release then it typically got only a page. Even for RPG's like the Tales series, they would be just 1 page long compared to big name RPG's like Fallout 4. Even NBA 2016 would get a 3 page review. It's not really fair that only certain games get a full length review, while others are merely summarized. I understand that paid reviewers have many games to review, but they do deserve better. They don't all have to be 3 pages long, but at least long enough to do a game justice. It doesn't do many games justice to merely summarize them as it will eventually make them sound all the same. There is more to gaming then the big name titles that are out there.

Monday, January 11, 2016

3D Dot Game Heroes Review

3D Dot Game Heroes

Developer: Silicon Studios
Publisher: From Software (JPN), Atlus (NA)
Platforms: PS3
Release: 5/11/2010 (NA)
Genre: Action-Adventure
Modes: Single-Player
Availability: Online Stores like Amazon ($30 New)

- I'm not a professional reviewer.
- A Link to the Past was my first Zelda game.
- I enjoy classic style games like this.


3D Dot Game Heroes” is made by Silicon Studios who have developed; Operation: Darkness, Bravery Default 1 and 2, FANTASICA, and other games.


          The plot involves the player character being a descendent of the legendary hero that stop evil from taking over Dotinia Kingdom. Years latter the popularity of the kingdom wanes so the king decides to make the world 3D in order to make the world more appealing. Unfortunately, this strengthened evil and put the kingdom into peril again. So it's up to you to save the Kingdom.

          The writing is light hearted and silly with many tributes to classic games like Dragon's Quest, Final Fantasy, and of course, Zelda. There is plenty of 4th wall breaking references that acknowledged the silly game-play and story tropes that appear in many games. It's nether obnoxious or in your face, but subtle humor.


          The game is rendered as millions of tiny cubed pixels known as voxels. From the game world to the characters, it helps give it a retro NES/SNES feeling to it. Looking at the character from a flat perspective or from far away on an overhead view, they can almost be mistaken for sprites. When you play for the first time, the colors may look flat and muted. You will need to adjust the brightness and color setting, in-game, to make it look it's best. Too much color and brightness will hide the outlines of the voxels and blend some colors together. You may also have to adjust it in the volcano and wind valley sections where the HDR can make things hard to see. It's a minor issue, but it's something that can be easily fixed.