Sunday, September 27, 2015

About This Site

      I made this blog to post various game reviews I felt like writing. At first the were quick bullet point outlines, but I didn't feel satisfied, and I wondered if I could write a review well. Hence why reviews from Thief 2 and on-wards are fully written.

Generally speaking, I've never been satisfied with game reviews as they lack details or don't paint a picture in my head of what a game is. I'll read a review and latter see a video of the game which ends up being quite different then what I imagine it to be. Also, I always find myself think about how a game works while playing and how other regard it. I know it's not easy thing to convey and our feelings about a game will not be the same, but I feel like trying to at least convey as accurately as I can what a game is. I'm not perfect and I might miss details that I didn't think of writing or not do as good of a job as I would hope in convey what the game is.

      Always feel free to point out mistakes, inaccuracies, ways I could convey a detail better, etc. You can criticize me.

      I post game reviews once a month due to life, game length, difficulty witting a review, and trying to not have a review drought.

Fallout Shelter Review

Fallout Shelter

Developer: Besthesda Game Studio's
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Genre: Management Simulation
Release: IOS- 6/14/15, Android- 8/13/15
Modes: Single-player
Platforms: Android and IOS
Price: Free

-I like management simulations
-I'm harsh and picky.
-I'm not a professional journalist.
-I try to 100% games unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
-Todd Howard did not bribe me with his body.
-I'm not big into mobile games.


       Technically, the 3D visuals are low resolution, blurry crap that you would see if you play a game at the lowest visual setting. It sticks out like a sore thumb despite not being needed. They are not detailed or use lots of colors so there is no need for them to be blurry. You will notice this when you zoom into a room. As for the 2D visuals, they are fine at any screen size due to there paper look. They are nothing to write home about, but are okay. Characters are based on a modified version pip boy character.