2: The Metal Age
Looking Glass Studios
Publisher: Eidos
Genre: First
Person/ Stealth
Release: March
23, 2000
Steam, GamersGate, and GOG
Price: $7-10

-I love stealth games
-I play on the highest
-I try to be as quiet
as possible, but I knock out all enemies I can.
-I'm harsh and picky.
-I'm not a professional
-Most of my reviews are
usually the PC version. I am the PC master race.
-I try to 100% games
unless it's pointless or tediously stupid.
-No bribes were taken.
-No bribes were
-I'm a ghost who hides
in the shadows.
-DRM free
-DRM free
*Thief 2
is hard to review then when it was originally released. Playing Thief
2 out of the box requires you to instal the fan made 1.9 – 1.21
Tafferpatch. This leads to to issue of what was changed from what
Looking Glass Studios had intended. Unfortunately, there isn't any
full documentation of the 1.9 patch. The patch also contains optional
visual enhancements and a community fix patch which changes more
things. Then you have the issue of did you install the patch that has
the New Dark Engine or the Old Dark engine.
This makes
it hard to guaranty that my review will be the same as to how you
experience the game and how the game originally was. Now it is
possible to run Thief 2 with the 1.8 patch, but it requires a lot of
work to get it to run on modern operating systems like Windows 7.
Mostly this is the technical and visual qualities of the game. The
basic core thief experience will still be the same no matter what
patch or enhancements you are using.
This review
will be based on the New Dark Engine with Tafferpatch 1.21.